Saturday, April 7, 2012

In case you didn't get the email we sent out...

Hello Class,
Here are some issues we will be dealing with as we come up on 2nd week:
Enrolled: If you are enrolled, great job. If you are enrolled but missed both first week classes (one absence is fine) then you will be dropped. If you missed all of first week but you are planning on taking the class please email the TA's by Monday, 1pm with an explanation to your absences. Once dropped, your spot will automatically be filled by the waitlisted students, and you'll be on the bottom of the PTE reception list.
Waitlisted: If you are Waitlisted, you will automatically be enrolled as people drop.
PTE#s: If you have signed in during first week requesting a PTE#, they will be distributed at the end of class Monday. We are aware of impending ADD/DROP deadlines and the subsequent fees associated that affect you.
Please use Professor Solomon's contact information professionally; for student service matters (enrollment, website, deadlines, finals) please direct your general questions/complaints to the TAs.

Your loving TAs
Jessica, Vivian, Eric

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